Notes from Honduras – May 2023
May 31, 2023
Recent graduate Eber (Read Here) expressed a sentiment that is shared by many: El Hogar is like a second family. Our students come from a variety of complicated backgrounds, but at El Hogar they find a place where they are safe and loved. We know that we can never replace a child’s family, but we strive to be the best alternative. As the dynamics of our student population has shifted over the years to include both residential and day students, we continue to strive for greater involvement from families and helping our students strengthen their connections with their siblings and parents.
Students at El Hogar receive encouragement and guidance as they navigate their relationships with their family while also being taught and cared for by wonderful examples of maternal figures. Directors, teachers, counselors and administrative staff all offer undiscriminating, just and loving attention. With support from the teachers and counselors, the students at the Technical Institute planned a celebration for Mother’s Day. They performed songs and dances, acted out skits and read poems, while the mothers in attendance were captivated by the talent of their children. Each student that performed exuded pride and love.

Jazmin, a student in eighth grade, wrote a speech dedicated to her mom, her madre dedicada. Jazmin is a quiet girl, but displayed confidence as she spoke about her mother.

“Dedicated and persevering mother, great warrior. Thank you for having and raising me with so much love and adoration. I thank God for sending me into your arms and that I have you as my guardian angel who cares for me and raises me with so much love. Great friend and confidant, the only one who knows me and knows how I am. I love you regardless of our fights and arguments. I love you because I know who you are. I know when you’re sad, angry, happy, and excited. The only person to whom I tell my secrets and concerns, I love you because you are that kind of person who does not like to share their worries and concerns so as not to worry others and know how to give good advice. I adore you and I love you very much, to me you are the best mother in the world. I will carry you in my heart always, mom. Short Verse for children to reflect on: Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and mother so that you may live a long time in the land the Lord your God is giving to you. “
At El Hogar, we want to serve our students through and with their families. Helping our students plan Mother’s Day celebrations is one of the many ways we can do so.
Thank you for your continued support of El Hogar!